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Carpool Tracker w/ registration

  1. Hello all,

    I have a client that needs to implement a carpool tracking system. It does not have to be overly complicated, but I wanted to know if Gravity Forms may be able to do the following:


    • Register a user (check)
    • Registered users can log in and select a date and select from a simple option of how many individuals they carpooled with that day (0-3)
    • Reporting per user: how many days (within a 60 day span) have they carpooled. Ideally the Admin can pull a report that is sortable that shows how many days (in a 60 day time span) that the user has carpooled. If there is a way to display this to the user so they know how they are doing, that would be awesome.

    Features that are highly desired:

    • Auto-responder at a certain % or # of carpool entries (such as 25%, 50% and 100%) to keep interest and engagement for users.
    • User data grouped together instead of individual entries (such as being able to easily see how many entries a user has entered -vs- having to sort users and count individual entries).
    • An area to see either the individual impact their carpool has made or everyone combined in the program has made (#miles driven x carbon impact per mile).

    I am also looking for some wordpress calendar options with registration built-in that allows either PHP or some type of option to be logged and attached to a user account, but I think with a bit of customization Gravity Forms could fit the bill.

    If we can get close, but require a bit of customization, the client is willing to pay, so I welcome all suggestions.



    Posted 11 years ago on Saturday June 16, 2012 | Permalink
  2. David Peralty

    Here are some quick answers to your questions. I hope this helps.

    Register a User - With the User Registration Add-on, you can register WordPress user accounts with Gravity Forms.

    You can customize Gravity Forms to detect which user is logged in when displaying the form, and add that to a hidden field. So that who submitted the data is captured with the number of people they car pooled with. We have date selection fields and drop down fields in Gravity Forms for the pieces of data you want to collect.

    All of our exports default to everything collected on a per lead basis, and not based around any specific field of data. You could easily manipulate the CSV, or create your own function to export the data in whatever way you like, as it is stored within tables in a mySQL database.

    We don't have any auto-responder type abilities as Gravity Forms only sends e-mail notifications on submit of a lead/form, and this hooks into WordPress' built-in sendmail files. You could create a plugin/hook that tests data against certain details and fires off an e-mail. You could even use WP Cron to schedule your data test daily.

    Gravity Forms is really focused on data collection. Beyond this point would all be customization by you and/or your development team.

    Posted 11 years ago on Saturday June 16, 2012 | Permalink
  3. Although it doesn't address your notification requirements, check out this Rideshare Plugin that has a GF form component. You could probably tweak the terminology from rideshares offered to rideshares used. The cron job aspects around the post type would be the net new piece you'd need to answer still.

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday February 1, 2013 | Permalink