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Certain forms will not export

  1. templesct

    One form on my site only produces a blank file when exported, while all other forms download fine.

    I tried limiting the number of fields and the date range but the only was able to get any output with a single field restricted to a single date—producing 4 entries; any further expansion produces blank output. I cannot find anything about this form that is unique from my other forms either in the number of entries or fields.

    My site is using WordPress Multisite 3.3.1 and Gravity Forms 1.6.2.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 31, 2012 | Permalink
  2. The export forms functionality has no known bugs and what you describe sounds like a PHP memory issue. You are likely running out of available PHP memory and the export routine is unable to complete and results in a blank export. You need to increase your available PHP memory.

    Here are instructions on how to do so:

    Increase your PHP memory and then try exporting again. You may need to contact your web host for assistance.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday February 6, 2012 | Permalink