Thanks for a great plugin. Please can you tell me how to change the $ prefix to R?
Thanks for a great plugin. Please can you tell me how to change the $ prefix to R?
The currency built into Gravity Forms was specifically designed to work with the PayPal Add-On and the South African Rand is not supported by the PayPal standard API which is why it was not included. All other currencies can be added via the hooks/filters that are provided. In the future we will expand on this and allow you to change this from within Gravity Forms.
Are you trying to create a product/pricing form that goes to PayPal or one that just submits information to you?
I Only want the currency to show R, South Africans are not using Paypal as much (yet) hopefully that will change in the future.
The form just submits info for me and also sends an invoice to the client based on their choices in the form. So I'd really love it to show R.
I just purchase this and it has no support for the South Africa R ?
This is very important that I have this future. I am not going to use it for paypal.
What can I do to make a change immediately ?
You can create a currency. Check out this hook:
Thank You David for the fast reply. You are a life saver.
I am going to try to do it myself and will post in here if I get stuck.
Can I just create a new line for the rand and add it to the top of the other currency ?
Sorry I am still new to PHP. Trying my best to learn as fast as possible.
"ZAR" => array("name" => __("South African Rand", "gravityforms"), "symbol_left" => 'R', "symbol_right" => "", "symbol_padding" => " ", "thousand_separator" => ',', "decimal_separator" => '.', "decimals" => 2),
"AUD" => array("name" => __("Australian Dollar", "gravityforms"), "symbol_left" => '$', "symbol_right" => "", "symbol_padding" => " ", "thousand_separator" => ',', "decimal_separator" => '.', "decimals" => 2),
Have a look at this to better understand where this code goes:
Thank You again for the assistance.
I tried my solution and it seem to do the trick for now. Will post if it creates any future problems.