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change default images?

  1. graphical_force

    Hello, I am using the Gravity Forms Directory & Addons plugin to show the entries made on the same page where the form is so users can create content.

    My issue is, I need them to upload videos which I have them doing but this creates a link to the video by showing the icon_video.gif. Instead of the gif being shown, I want it to show the url wrapped in [videoplayer file=" "/] which would use the HTML5 and Flash Video Player

    In a sense, I want them to be able to play the hosted videos right there and not have to click on a link it that makes sense.

    Thanks and let me know if there is an easier way that I might have missed.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday September 19, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Sorry, the Directory Plugin is a third-party plugin that we don't support here. You can post your questions on their forums.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday September 19, 2011 | Permalink

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