The curly braces should not be related. It just needs to not be nested in any other function in the file, and needs to be enclosed in php tags.
If the file ends with a ?> then you can put it right before that, with no need for opening or closing php brackets.
If you post your complete functions.php at I can show you exactly where to put it to avoid a 500 Internal Server Error (white screen) from a syntax error.
If that's the end of your functions.php, you can just start a new line and incorporate the code I gave you enclosed with <? php tags:
[EDITED quotes around filter name 8/5/11]
add_filter('gform_address_street', 'change_address_street', 10, 2);
function change_address_street($label, $form_id){
return 'Street';
Be sure you do not have any blank lines at the end of functions.php when you are done. The ?> should be the last line.
Posted 13 years ago on Thursday August 4, 2011 |