There isn't a provision to change the form title tag. If you prefer to use a < h2> tag, I would suggest setting the display title option to false, then simply including the title in the post body before the form.
In the next release (1.3.13) there will be freeform HTML blocks that you can use inline if you prefer. You can use those as an alternate to the section breaks to display titles in whatever tag or format you prefer. The general release of this version should be out next week, but you can download the latest beta version from the downloads page if you'd like to have the functionality right away.
As far as the thinking on the form title tag, Most often the forms are directly preceded by the page title (normally a < h2>) or are included as part of or a child of a content section that's titled with an < h2> tag. That's why we chose to go with the < h3> for the form title. The form itself basically begins a new block/type of content, and the < h2> tags seemed to make sense there.
I do think it's something we can look at further and are willing to revisit down the line. We're always working to improve and refine the plugin everywhere we can.
Posted 14 years ago on Saturday July 17, 2010 |