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Change the Section Break from h2 to h3

  1. johngilder

    Hi guys,

    I've tried to work this out reviewing your documentation and visual CSS guide but having no luck. (maybe more coffee would help).

    The section breaks seem to be formatting based on my themes <h2> tag and I would like to change it to the <h3> tags.

    Here is a link -


    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday February 8, 2011 | Permalink
  2. You can't change the markup to change the title tag but you can target the section break title's with CSS and style them differently. Here's how you would properly target the title to apply new rules.

    body .gform_wrapper .gform_body .gform_fields .gsection .gsection_title {color:red}

    You can refer to the "Section Breaks" examples of this guide for more information

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday February 8, 2011 | Permalink
  3. johngilder

    Thanks Kevin - much appreciated!

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday February 8, 2011 | Permalink