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Change the text in date field label (YYYY)

  1. Derk


    Quick question: ive managed to change the text in adress fields (to Dutch) using this piece of code:

    // Label: Gravity Postcode
    add_filter("gform_address_zip", "set_gravityform_address_zip");
    function set_gravityform_address_zip($label){
    return "Postcode";

    How can i use this to change the text in the labels for the 'date field'?

    I want to change YYYY to JJJJ (the dutch word for year = jaar)

    Thanks :-)

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday February 21, 2011 | Permalink
  2. The "YYYY" can't be translated programatically, but you can translate it via the dutch language file. If you are not familiar on how to translate plugins, the following article might be helpful. Start from the "Using poEdit to Translate" section.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday February 21, 2011 | Permalink