Your theme is setting a white color value for paragraph tags, unordered lists, ordered lists and blockquote elements. You can add this CSS snippet to the end of your theme's stylesheet and the better specificity should override the existing rules.
body #content .page .gform_wrapper,
body #content .page .gform_wrapper p,
body #content .page .gform_wrapper ul,
body #content .page .gform_wrapper ul li,
body #content .page .gform_wrapper ol,
body #content .page .gform_wrapper ol li{
color: #000;
Ultimately, it looks like you're going to run into other problems besides your forms since you're using a white background. I personally would just locate and remove those rules since you're not going to want to have to keep working to override the white on white text/background.
Check out style.css line 43 and line 429 for the offending rules.
Posted 13 years ago on Friday May 27, 2011 |