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Changing the product base price dynamically giving me errors on submission

  1. nkatsefa

    I am using the gravity forms extension for Woocommerce. I have it set up so that if a user chooses a product on one page it submits info to the next page, which contains a gravity form that the customer uses to make their selections. When they go from one form to the next I am transferring a few pieces of info. and then when the second page loads I use jquery to detect if the page was loaded with info. from that previous page and if it was then it will change the src. of an image, hide a few GF fields and replace them with some text and then the final part is that it adds $60.00 to the base price. I have it changing the base-price just fine, but when I submit it is throwing back an error at me "Please correct any errors" and "There was a problem with your submission. Errors have been highlighted below." I do not have anything required though. What could be happening?

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday March 15, 2012 | Permalink