How do I adjust the way the the boxes look so they are more clear and lines, not dotted? Here is my form:
Thank you!
How do I adjust the way the the boxes look so they are more clear and lines, not dotted? Here is my form:
Thank you!
Mark, that styling is coming from your theme CSS.
You should be able to override it by placing this at the end of your style.css file or wherever you add custom CSS rules.
I can't figure this out either. My gravity forms look horrible. I don't know CSS, I purchased this tool to create point and click forms, so your help is appreciated. Where do I add this? I added it to my Theme CSS files and it make no difference. You can see my form at Thanks
"my forms look horrible" is pretty subjective. I don't know what you like or don't like so can't really give you any guidance on that.
The styles above were specific to his theme, so they probably won't work for yours unless the markup is structured exactly the same. It looks like the form CSS itself is fine, it's just inheriting input styles from your theme like it's supposed to. I do see some custom styles applied to the gform_body id in your custom.css file though.
Since this is really a theme styling issue and not a forms issue, it's probably best that you contact your theme developer for styling guidance.
I'm happy to help with some small tweaks here and there if you get stuck, but this looks out of scope for that.
Also you said "I purchased this tool to create point and click forms". It looks like you've done exactly that. If you're inferring that Gravity Forms should also take care of all the styling that's not the case. There are some default styles built in, but the forms are designed to inherit properties from your theme. They're behaving exactly as they're supposed to in this instance.
My forms don't show up the input boxes, so people don't know that they can type anything in. Guess I will learn CSS. I hacked the background last night so the boxes at least showed up. Yeah, I created forms, but having them not show up to end users (missing all the input boxes) made them kind of useless, which frustrated me. Is there a way to turn the defaults on instead of using my themes style? I was just hoping for a solution that just worked and didn't need me to edit anything because I'm lazy :)
The only way you can revert totally back to the default Gravity Forms styles is to remove all of the form styling rules from your theme. Most likely, that would strip styling from your comment form as well.
You can try this..
1. remove the rule applied to the gform_body class on line 13 of your custom.css file
2. add this to your theme custom.css file to override the other styles. You can add other rules if you want besides those I've added.
That should get you closer to what you want without too much effort.
On my form wherever there is a dropdown box the font/style is much larger than the rest of the text on the form. Here is the URL to my form:
The dropdown font is huge. Looks to be about 14pt. How can I "easily" modify this to match the rest of the form?
Hi vbush, I've responded to this question in your other topic. :)