I am experiencing what I think is a bug.
Since there's no 'select all' functionality for checkboxes yet, I have created two checkbox groups with identical values.
One group has all the values selected by default.
I have created a separate checkbox called 'select all'. I hide the unselected group of checkboxes if the 'select all' checkbox is checked in which case I show the group with all values selected by default and vice versa.
The strange thing is that when I toggle the 'select all' box, the first time it works correctly, all values are checked. The second time around the two last values in the list are NOT checked and the rest of the values in the group are. When I add two more values to the checkbox group, the rest of the values are checked but the two latest added boxes aren't!
If this is in fact a bug and how do I fix it? I really need this to work.