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Checkboxes - leaving all checkboxes in a group unselected by default

  1. I have an 'I agree to T&C' checkbox (which is a required field) at the end of one of my forms.

    Typically you would expect this to be unchecked by default so that the user can't submit their form without actually having clicked the checkbox.

    I might be missing something really obvious, but I've been scratching my head over this for a while now, and no matter what I've tried, this checkbox is always checked when I load the page.

    I haven't been able to find anyone else describing the same problem which seems strange and makes me think the solution might be obvious but I'm just somehow not seeing it.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday May 13, 2011 | Permalink
  2. It sounds like that checkbox is selected as the default value. If the radio button next to the Checkbox choice is selected, that means it's the default selection and will be checked by default. If this is the case, I would suggest adding a new checkbox value, and then removing the old checkbox value. And don't select the radio button next to it to make it the default.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday May 13, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Thanks for the reply. I tried what you suggested, but in the end I figured out that it was actually happening because I hadn't put anything in to the checkbox's label - and as such I guess the checkbox didn't have a value either.

    The way I set the form up, I wanted the text to display to the left of the checkbox, so I had entered my text in to the Field Label and not the individual checkbox label.

    Long story short, to fix the problem, I just entered a space as the checkbox label and now it leaves the checkbox unchecked by default. Might not be a great solution standards-wise, but at least it got the form looking and working the way I wanted it to.

    Posted 13 years ago on Sunday May 15, 2011 | Permalink

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