Just wanted to follow up with a solution that I found - hope it helps someone else in the future. I emailed WooThemes about 12 hours ago and haven't heard a response back yet but after poking around, I was able to add some custom CSS in the Dashboard > Appearance > Editor > Custom.css
Basically, the MyStile theme is hiding the standard browser checkbox and radio button and opting for the themes version, however, it wasn't working. So I went to the CSS and looked up checkboxes (and radio since radios were quirky too) and sure enough, it says this:
/* Hides the default checkbox style */
The code right above that phrase is: -webkit-appearance: none;
I changed it to: -webkit-appearance: checkbox;
(same for radio) and now it works perfectly fine on all browsers.
Posted 11 years ago on Thursday November 8, 2012 |