You both posted your support requests over the weekend Our office is closed on the weekend.
It takes time to catch up on all the weekend support requests because at the beginning of the week we have to catch up on support requests that were submitted over the weekend. Priority Support receives priority over standard support forum requests.
Word of advice... post support forum requests on a weekday, and not the weekend and you'll receive a more prompt response. If you need a quicker response, use Priority Support. If you don't have access to Priority Support, purchase a Developer License.
Our support response time policy can be found here:
A link to this page is not hidden, it is provided in the yellow box under the sidebar navigation that also contains our business hours.
Also keep in mind that this is a customization request. We are glad to help users with questions related to customizations, but customizations are technically not supported so you need to be patient when asking a customization question. A rule of thumb is if what you want to do requires custom code and the use of hooks, it's a customization.
I'm not sure where you got this sample code from. Can you point me to the support forum post where you got this code snippet from? This custom code snippet could have been posted by another user, in which case it's not something we created. I don't recognize the code snippet so it was most likely posted by a user.
If what you are wanting to do is concatenate the value of 2 fields and store the resulting value in another field, I certainly wouldn't do this using JS. I would due this using just PHP and the gform_pre_submission hook.
Can you explain, in detail, what exactly you are trying to accomplish? Then we can provide guidance on the correct way to do what you want to do.
Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday March 13, 2012 |