I've been using Gravity Forms in conjunction with the Members plugin ( https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/members/ ). I recently installed a third plugin: gf-tooltips ( https://github.com/norcross/gf-tooltips ). The gf-tooltips adds tooltip functionality to front end forms made with Gravity Forms. I believe there might be a compatibility issue between the gf-tooltips plugin and the Members.
I realize that both of these plugins are authored by 3rd parties, so I reached out to the developer of the Members plugin ( http://themehybrid.com/support/topic/activating-members-plugin-causes-other-plugins-setting-page-to-be-inaccessible ). The developer of the Members plugin said this issue might be related to the Gravity Forms gform_full_access capability. So that is why I'm posting this support message here.
Here's a description of the issue I'm experiencing:
When the Members plugin is deactivated, the gf-tooltips and Gravity Forms plugisn works as expected. When the Members plugin is activated, though, I can't access the settings menu for gf-tooltips.
If Members is activated, then the settings link is hidden from the wp-admin menu, and accessing the URI directly in my browser ( at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf-tooltips) results in the error message "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page."
If I deactivate the Members plugin again, I can access the gf-tooltips settings at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf-tooltips. The gf-tooltips settings page loads as expected, without outputting the error message "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page."
I've also created a Github issue on the gf-tooltips repository. Here's a link to that discussion: https://github.com/norcross/gf-tooltips/issues/8
Any help you could offer on this topic would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for making Gravity Forms!