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complements posttag-defaultvalue with value from radiobutton-field

  1. Hello together, i have a very important question.

    i created a form for front-end postings.
    in this form i have also included the posttags-field from gravityforms.

    as posttagfield-defaultvalue i set following without the two ":
    "{user:display_name}, neues Limit, new Limit, Legend, Legende"

    now my problem:

    in this form, their is also a radiobutton field.
    when a user now choose a value from this radiobutton-field, i want to have this value in the above posttags-field, as complement for the posttag-defaultvalue. so the choosen value of the radiobuttonfield will be included as posttag.

    i tried it on this way:
    with default-value:
    "{user:display_name}, neues Limit, new Limit, Legend, Legende, {name_of_the_radiobutton_field:field_id:value]"
    doesn't work.

    any other ideas?

    hopefully you can understand my issue :-)

    best regards,

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday March 14, 2013 | Permalink
  2. the code from this post

    also not really working:-(

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday March 14, 2013 | Permalink
  3. yeah:-D now i get the value of the choosen radio-button...but online the value, not the text behind the value...

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday March 14, 2013 | Permalink
  4. ok :-D now we can close this topic :-D its done :-D

    1.) first at all you can use this code

    2.) for radiobuttons you can't use the "input_3_6", i mean the ID of the inputvalue of a field. for radiobuttons you need to use the NAME-value of a field

    how you can find this value? i used the firebug-plugin from firefox :-D

    3.) now you update the above code and then it should work.

    attention: fields, which can only see by an admin -> doesn't work. the new method in your function.php will not see this fields also, because the the method is no admin :-D

    so now i should go to bed...attention: drinking during coding is great :-D

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday March 14, 2013 | Permalink

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