Is it possible to use Conditional Logic based on date chosen in a date picker?
For instance. I have a birth date picker, and want some fields only to be shown if the date chosen is 18 years or older. Is that possible?
Is it possible to use Conditional Logic based on date chosen in a date picker?
For instance. I have a birth date picker, and want some fields only to be shown if the date chosen is 18 years or older. Is that possible?
What are you using for your birth date picker? You need to isolate the year value so it can be compared to in conditional logic. So if you had a dropdown of years, then someone selects a year, you can compare and say show field if year is great than 1994.
Thanks for getting back to me! :)
I'm using the date field under advanced fields, but I couldn't choose that in the Conditional Logic choice on the other fields... a simple birth year should work well, but I want the whole date.. I guess I can create seperate drop downs though.. hm.
Yeah, there is no easy way to split out the year on the date picker field to do conditional logic against it. So separate drop downs is the fastest way.