Conditional Logic is extremely simple to implement. Here is a quick description:
Conditional Logic can only be triggered by drop down, radio button and checkbox fields.
You apply conditional logic to the field you want to show or hide based on the selection of another field. You edit the field, select the Advanced Tab and enable conditional logic. You then configure the logic to show or hide that field using the available options.
See this screenshot, it shows my drop down field above the input field i'm adding. I've selected the advanced tab, i've enabled conditional logic and i've configured the settings I want for the condition:
There isn't really a whole lot to it so the best way to learn is to do it. Create a test form and play around with the functionality. Add a drop down, then add a single input field and configure the single input field to only display when the second item in the drop down is selected.
Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday December 7, 2011 |