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Conditional Logic on drop down choices?

  1. gressli


    I got two drop down menus.
    One consisting of instruments, and the other listing the different courses.
    The course list is supposed to change depending on the instrument choice.
    Is it possible to assign conditional logic to the different dropdown choices (like som sort of filtering)? Example: If I choose Piano the classes for strings and percussion gets hidden..

    Or do I have to create a dropdown of the available courses for every single instrument?

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday December 12, 2012 | Permalink
  2. David Peralty

    There is no way currently to filter a dropdown like you want without custom coding something in PHP and JS which would be beyond me. You can just swap out the dropdown lists though based on selection, so that only the courses related to the instrument selected appears.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday December 12, 2012 | Permalink
  3. gressli

    Thanks for the quick response, David!
    That's too bad ;\ I've got a list of 20 instruments, as well as 20-30 different courses.
    So I have to create 20 different lists, then.. Unless someone else might helt me.

    Hopefully this will be added as a feature in the future ;)

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday December 12, 2012 | Permalink
  4. gressli

    Hi again,
    I ended up creating multiple lists. However I have a question:
    In my instance dropdown 1 is the instrument choice, while dropdown 2 to 21 is the course choice. Dropdown 2-21 has the same names (but the admin label is different).

    If I choose to export a csv file of the form data the dropdown are shown as different columns.. Is it possible to merge them automatically or to populate a hidden field in the form itself with the value from dropdown 2-21.. or give the dropdowns the same id or something..?

    Thanks in advance! :)

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday December 14, 2012 | Permalink