Hi, I'm using a two products in a gravity form to calculate a total price based on the quantity of the products. However, I'm only starting off displaying the first product and then using a dropdown menu to ask if the client wants to order add an additional service (the second product). If the client chooses yes in the downdown menu, the second product field is displayed. Lastly I'm using the total field to calculate the total. However there seems to be a weird issue with the conditional logic as the total does not visibly update when a quantity of the additional product is filled in. However, if you complete the form the correct data is included in the results. Is this a known issue? Is it possible to place a product field inside conditional logic?
Here is the form I'm having trouble with: http://www.amnon.se/bestallning/. Since the website is still in beta use the password "test123" to access the site. If you choose "Visualiseringar" you'll see the page with the issue.