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Conditional Shortcode in Page Post

  1. baskett

    I would like to be able to use a conditional shortcode in a page post, but apparently it does not work in posts? only notifications and confirmation messages? Im not sure what "content of Admin" is exactly.

    For example I have a hidden field "who" that is populated by a GET variable "who". if "who" equals "test" then I want to show a block of text in the page post, so I tried this in the page content:

    [gravityforms action="conditional" merge_tag="{Hidden Field:11}" condition="is" value="test"]Content you would like to conditionally display.[/gravityforms]

    But it does not show, yet I do see that the hidden field is indeed populated correctly by the $_GET variable. Does the above conditional shortcode not work in page posts? If not, can you move this over to feature requests?

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday May 10, 2013 | Permalink