Hi ! I just got an answer from the developer of AdRotate.
Of course, for him the issue comes from Gravity Forms. Here's his answer :
AdRotate does not impose limitations on ANY textfields, not it's own and certainly not fields outside AdRotate.
Similar issues have been reported. I cannot test them since Gravity forms is not free or requires some sort of license.
However, simple logic tells me that AdRotate can not cause this. Reason: Any and all values passed on via forms or variables are prefixed with "adrotate_" thus. If there is a conflict Gravity forms logically does not prefix stuff and assumes globals of sorts which are the same as AdRotates.
This is not an issue i should be fixing.
Carl, since I paid for your plugin (actually I use it with all my clients, I have purchased many licences for them), I would be glad if you could take a look at this please. Even if you find out that the issue comes from AdRotate maybe you can come with a fix and I'll communicate it to the AdRotate's developper.
AdRotate is a great plugin for banner rotation management and Gravity Forms is simply perfect ! It would be a shame to have to choose between one of them ;)
Thanks !
Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday July 20, 2011 |