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Confused on output css

  1. I've searched for an answer but can't seem to find it. If I only want to change a few elements of a specific form do I:

    1. Have to set the CSS out put to no?
    2. or simply change the css I am targeting and add it to my own style.css (meaning if I add it to my style.css it will override what the form.css says) yet I still get the benefit of the rest of the css provided by gravity forms?

    Or what is the best way to only change a few styling elements on the form?

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday January 4, 2012 | Permalink
  2. I would def keep the output on and just override what you need to in your theme's stylesheet. The beauty of Gravity Forms is it allows for deep CSS customization. If you run into any issues post back here and i'd be happy to give you a hand.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 5, 2012 | Permalink
  3. Rob's right. Just make any additions you need to the end of your theme's style.css file ( or custom.css depending on your theme) and use the specific form ID in your CSS selectors so it only applies to that form. You can see examples of targeting a specific form with CSS rules here.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 5, 2012 | Permalink