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Confusing Terminology

  1. obvio

    I think there's a slightly confusing terminology regrading Checkboxes/Multiple Choices:
    Multiple Choices uses Radio Button that usually allows ONLY ONE selection (per group) while Checkboxes usually allow MORE THAN ONE choice/selection.

    I think Checkboxes should be renamed to "Multiple Choice (checkboxes)" and Multiple Choices should be renamed to something like "Group Single Selection (radio buttons)".

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday June 13, 2011 | Permalink
  2. We agree that is is confusing in some respects but there is some logic behind the naming. For example, in a "multiple choice" type test, you're given multiple answers to choose from, but can usually only select one. We also chose to use that terminology since that was consistent with what several of the other non-WordPress form builders like Wufoo, MachForms, etc. were using. That way any users who previously used those products would be more comfortable with the consistent terminology.

    We're always open to suggestions so we appreciate the feedback. If we did change the naming, I'm pretty sure we would just go with a simple "checkboxes" and "radio buttons" moniker and loose the other part completely.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday June 13, 2011 | Permalink
  3. obvio

    thanks for the fast response!
    I'd be happy to see the little "?" with tooltip on each type of filed explaining its internals, being a developer I'm more inclined towards "documentation" explanations then to "other products consensus"..

    Thanks anyhow, I love gravityforms!

    ps. an "update form" button on the top of the editing screen would be really helpful - I have a 150 fields form..

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday June 13, 2011 | Permalink
  4. Sure, we're always looking for ways to improve the functionality and usability of the plugin. We do really appreciate the suggestions.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday June 13, 2011 | Permalink