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Connecting password to usernames

  1. ubmdesigncentral


    I have a CSV file that contains 5 columns of info (First Name, Last Name, Company, email address, password).

    When I import the CSV into WordPress, it successfully adds the entries into the forms BUT it doesn't trigger the 'create user' action that's set up on the form. The problem with this is that while the forms are updated, it's not actually creating an 'account' for the user to log in.

    How can I resolve this issue? Thanks!

    Posted 10 years ago on Monday June 17, 2013 | Permalink
  2. David Peralty

    We don't have a way to allow you import a CSV into Gravity Forms as entries, so you would have to look at whatever third party script you are using to do this and have them make the changes you are looking for. Only when an entry is created using the form you generate, and the bridging feed between the form and our User Registration add-on does it create a WordPress user.

    Posted 10 years ago on Monday June 17, 2013 | Permalink