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Contact Us Form help

  1. drughelpdesk

    We are currently building a form for advertisers. Once completed, the paid advertiser will fill in their form, and it will create a new wordpress post, with all details about their company.

    We also have the add-ons gravity forms directory installed. A user will search the directory for company's near to their address, and when they find one, select it and it will take them to the full company profile page.

    What we want to do is create a contact us form on this page, with all the details being passed to that company. Now i understand how to make most of the form's functionality, From, Subject, Body ect, but how do i do the "to" field ? so whatever company profile the user is on, that email address will fill the "to" field in the contact us form.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday December 13, 2010 | Permalink
  2. I'm assuming you mean how do you change the Notification so the To is sent dynamically to the person associated with the post that was created. You can do this one of two ways, either the company associated with the post created the post and was set as the Author of the post in which case you can use code to send the notification to the author of the post *OR* you can store the email of the person associated with the post as a custom field and send the notification to the email address stored in the post custom field.

    Here are two forum posts that discuss this:

    Sending Email To Value Stored In Post Custom Field

    Sending Email To Author Of Post

    Either way this is a customization, it's not something Gravity Forms does automatically but it does have the API hooks to make it possible with a little bit of PHP code.

    If you need help implementing this customization I can refer you to WordPress developers with Gravity Forms experience who could assist you with the implementation. It's not a complex implementation but does require knowledge of WordPress hook usage and PHP.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday December 13, 2010 | Permalink