Is there any way to copy a form? I have 2 sets of 2 nearly identical forms for different audiences. I don't want to rebuild each form AGAIN :)
Is there any way to copy a form? I have 2 sets of 2 nearly identical forms for different audiences. I don't want to rebuild each form AGAIN :)
Unfortunately no, it's a feature we plan on adding in a future release but due to time constraints could not make it part of v1.0.
Ok, so will this work as a temp workaround?
1. Create a new form
2. Go to the form_meta database table and copy the display_meta contents from form1, paste them into the display_meta field for form2
3. Edit as necessary in the admin
Is there anything else that needs to get edited in this process? I didn't see anything in the display_meta field that indicated a specific form except possibly the last "2" in a:16:{s:2:"id";s:1:"2". Thoughts?
If you were try to do it through SQL, the form settings are stored in 2 tables.
- rg_form
- rg_form_meta
You would first have to create the form and then the form field information goes in rg_form_meta. Yes, the id is also in the rg_form_meta table as both the form_id column and in the display_meta array as you mention above.
The rg_form_view table is used for tracking form views, so you won't need to do anything with that table.
Test it out, you can probably get it working that way and speed up the process if you have a bunch of forms to create. Just be sure to test the form to make sure everything works as expected the first time you do it before you start doing it to a bunch of forms.
Forgot to mention... in the form_meta information you insert into the display_meta column. When updating the id, the "s" value in front of it needs to correspond to how many characters are in the id. So the it would be s:1:"2" and s:2:"10" depending on if the form id is 1 character or 2, and so on.
I cant get this to work?? I am copying it like for like...
Any ideas?
You can just use the duplicate option now
I know we can make a duplicate of an entire form but how would I go about making a duplicate field. Is that possible?
Currently it is not possible to duplicate a field. We may add this as a feature in a future release, but it isn't currently a feature.
ping this, just ran into a situation where duplicating a field would be handy. time to break out the sql :)
+1 for feature as I am moving many client sites from self-hosted installations into a WPMU model.
The ability to duplicate fields in is 1.6 (currently in beta release.) With WPMU you can include a list of forms to recreate with every new site (with a setting in wp-config.php). And you can export your forms if you want to duplicate them manually between sites. What exactly are you looking to do Idealien?
Thanks for the followup. I found the feature in the latest version of GF - which wasn't installed on the site I'm updating (and one of the very reasons to move to the WPMU setup). I'll just have to update GF to export the forms on the single sites before importing them to WPMU.
This does bring up a general comment I'd like to raise about the forum. Your mods to great to mention when features are planned into upcoming releases, but there are more than a few threads I've encountered like this where a "This feature was implemented in version X" and reference to appropriate docs for import / export would be beneficial. Small housekeeping item but one that would probably save many people confusion about what is current functionality.
Thank you for the suggestion.