My need is not standard for GF so I am looking for any input from the community on how I might achieve it -- no expectations.
It is similar to
Here is what I want to do:
Then I want the results to show
The last bit I think I could work out with Chris Hajer's code:
I have tried a number of approaches including turning "blue" into a product with a $1 price, but of course there is no subtotal field for separate products. Thought of using Options then Conditional the Total on the option, but it doesn't really work either.
My first thought was that this has to be easier than it appears because it is after all just counting. My problem is that I can't count my nose using Select statements and PHP which is what I'm guessing is required here. I'm thinking if I had the right code I could put it into an HTML field which could then be presented in a Post Body template.
But then, my last thought is that it must be much more difficult than it seems since none of the poll or voting plugins I've found will do this either.