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Create City drop down list in advanced address field

  1. I am trying to create a drop down list in the city field of the advanced address field. I would like to have all the cities of one state shown in the drop down.

    I've looked at the dynamically populate documentation but don't know/understand how to implement this within GF.

    I know I can break apart the address fields, but don't want to unless absolutely necessary. Is there a way to put a list of cities in a drop down within the advanced address field?

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday September 23, 2011 | Permalink
  2. You can only do this with custom code. There is a hook that allows you to customize the address field and add your own address types. The documentation can be found here:

    If you don't know how to properly implement this hook and write the necessary code you would need to hire a developer to implement it for you. Here are some developers with Gravity Forms customization experience that you could try contacting:

    Ounce of Talent

    Raquel Kohler


    Scott Kingsley Clark

    Out of those Raquel will probably have the best availability as she typically takes on smaller projects.

    There is a larger list of developers with Gravity Forms experience here (although I can't guarantee they all know what they are doing):

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday September 23, 2011 | Permalink

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