I want to create a custom payment gateway intergration in Gravity forms. I am creating a registration form and on submit, I want the form to post to a payment gateway (e-path.com.au) using the data captured on gravity forms.
I want to create a custom payment gateway intergration in Gravity forms. I am creating a registration form and on submit, I want the form to post to a payment gateway (e-path.com.au) using the data captured on gravity forms.
I was looking at e-path also. I tested the integration using the built in gravity forms redirection (form settings - confirmation - redirection) and the e-path demo system. Set your redirect to http://e-path.com.au/demo1/demo1/demo1.php and choose the pass data via query stringsetup query string.
You can use merge tags from your form for the data needed by e-path. e-path have documented the stuff they need on their site http://www.e-path.com.au/integration.html
My example query string was
des={Widgets (Name):4.1}&ord={entry_id}&amt={Widgets (Price):4.2}&frq=Once Only&ceml={user:user_email}&ret=http://www.mysite.com.au/thankyou.html
The integration seems to work fine however I did notice that e-path don't do basic checking to see if a card is valid (you can even type letters in the credit card number field). I also did not get any email confirmation from them of the submission of the card details . I don't want to accept amex / diners but it is on the list so customers may use them. And there is no cancel and return to your website option (cancel url). On the demo system you can enter expired cards (back to 2009 even) . Also there is no e-path field for CCV. My merchant MOTO account needs ccv to process cards.