Oh, sorry. I didn't get past the first part. Let me take a look.
I did a quick mockup. You can see what it looks like here: http://minus.com/lND8TOotpx0dv
To build that, I added three HTML fields to start, with the column headers in them. Give each of these the CSS Ready Classes for thirds (gf_left_third, gf_middle_third and gf_right_third.) You can do that on the advanced tab of each field. You will continue this for each row of fields.
After the headers were laid out, I added my first row. The first column is an HTML field (I checked "Disable default margins") and I added the class of gf_right_third. The center column is plain text with a descriptive label for the admin. This gets a CSS class of gf_middle_third. Then the final column is also text, descriptive label, and a CSS class of gf_right_third.
Then I saved and previewed the form. The labels being over column 2 and 3 in each row were unnecessary so I added this CSS to hide those labels.
body .gform_wrapper .top_label .gfield_label {
display: none!important;
Then I refreshed again and the table header and the first row are done. Then proceed on to 2nd and 3rd (and subsequent) rows. Just remember to give each field the proper CSS class in the proper field on the Advanced tab. Refresh as you go. If things get out of line, check to see that you added the classes correctly and in the proper place on the advanced tab.
I also adjusted the widths of the 'thirds' since the left column needed to be more wide than the other two. So I added this CSS:
body .gform_wrapper .gf_left_third {
body .gform_wrapper .gf_middle_third {
body .gform_wrapper .gf_right_third {
width: 29%!important;
It is certainly possible to get a layout like this with Gravity Forms.
Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday January 16, 2013 |