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Creating a Terms of Acceptance Form issue with CSS Class

  1. Hi

    Im a new user and have gone through the forums, but still seem to have an issue.

    I would like to create a form that has a scroll down text box that contains a legal disclaimer before someone can hit the submit button to send a message.

    My understanding is to create a scrolling text box that I need to add the ready class rule to the section break box gf_scroll_text. Each time I add this, I notice that its not saved as part of that box. e.g. I open edit and the gf_scroll_text class is not listed. I am not sure of the default behaviour as new but guess it should stay there? Im using Genesis theme. Do I need to add the CSS somewhere else?

    Next question, assuming I create the scrolling text box, then the next stage would be to add a checkbox saying I accept with conditional logic.

    Is there a really simple idiots guide to creating a single page acceptance/T&C form that anyone can point me towards.

    Website is built locally in dev so cant point you to the issue

    Thanks in advance

    Posted 10 years ago on Tuesday May 28, 2013 | Permalink
  2. Sometimes pasting the class name into the field doesn't work properly.. it's a browser thing. Try typing the actual class name into the field then applying it and see if that works. You can always right-click and select "paste" rather than just using CTRL+V (or CMD+V if using Mac)

    As far as forcing acceptance, just put a single checkbox that says something like "I agree to the terms above", please it below the terms, then make it a required field. That's all you need.

    Yes, you could go further by placing a conditional logic rule on the form button (in the form settings) where the button does not show unless the value of the checkbox is "I agree" or "yes" or whatever you set the field value.

    Posted 10 years ago on Tuesday May 28, 2013 | Permalink
  3. Hi

    Thanks so much! Yes, that solved the problem! Cut & Paste was the issue.

    Great Service & Product

    Posted 10 years ago on Wednesday May 29, 2013 | Permalink
  4. Great. That's a weird browser issue that pops up on occasion. I wish there was some way we could bulletproof that but sadly, just one of those things. Glad it worked out for you.

    Posted 10 years ago on Wednesday May 29, 2013 | Permalink

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