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Creating DEV server duplicate that will then replace current site

  1. I have an issue that I'm not sure how to address. I have a current install of gravity forms with over 1300 entries. I did a WP export/import into a new database and subdomain for a theme/content update (dev site).

    I'm trying to build out the new site, update it, etc, but need to have the same entry data when I'm done - and the url goes back from to just

    Since I cannot import entries (and I switched databases) - can I spoof the new install to read the old forms -- or, how can I wind up with the old forms and data on the new build?

    Thank you...

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday January 30, 2013 | Permalink
  2. You need to perform a find and replace of the domain in your old database tables, preferably before you create the new site. It might work afterward to. I use this tool to perform that find and replace, and it handles the serialized strings fine, so you don't run into errors with your forms due to the serialized string lengths getting corrupted.

    Please be sure you have a good backup of the database before attempting to use that tool.

    Also, I've never used to WordPress export/import since that just handles posts and pages and media (maybe widgets as well.) I normally dump the database, all tables, then install that in the new location, and use the InterconnectIT tool to find and replace the old domain with the new one.

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday January 31, 2013 | Permalink