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creating new form problem - New form page is blank

  1. I just loaded this plug in on my genesis site. When trying to create a new form the options area is blank. The options area is blank and does not give me any options to create a new form. I have disabled many of the other plugins and checked my sever host and I am running WordPress version 3.0, MySQL 5 and PHP 5 .

    I cannot use gravity forms at all. Please let me know what to check in order to get the page rot display property so I can create forms for my WP.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday October 13, 2011 | Permalink
  2. maiya

    Im having the same problem, do I need to downgrade GF? It used to work properly, and I think it stopped after upgrading the plugin. I can't upgrade WP at this time. If I need to install an older version of GF, where is this available? Thanks, Maiya

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday November 21, 2011 | Permalink
  3. maiya

    I found a GF version and the downgrade fixed it...

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday November 21, 2011 | Permalink
  4. Greetings. Same here. Forms Editor was blank, then after refreshing cache, produced the form, but not the editing tools.

    This is happening in this environment:

    GF Version 1.6.1 on:
    Firefox 8
    Safari 5.1.1
    Mac OSX Lion

    I'll check my Win7 machine, if you think it will help.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday November 21, 2011 | Permalink
  5. This is a Genesis 1.7.1 problem.

    Genesis is outputting ALL of it's scripts on EVERY admin page. This is causing a Javascript conflict with one of the scripts in Gravity Forms v1.6.1.

    Downgrading to is not the answer. For one isn't even the last 1.5.x release, so it's not recommended you use old versions.

    This is a problem with the Genesis framework itself. It's quite surprising that it has this issue because isolating script output to only the theme option pages associated with the theme should be standard practice for theme developers. So I was surprised to find this issue in Genesis.

    So this isn't a problem with Gravity Forms, it's a problem with Genesis and StudioPress needs to correct this issue.

    I suggest you contact the StudioPress support team and ask what you can do to correct Genesis so that it only outputs it's scripts on it's own theme option pages.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday November 21, 2011 | Permalink