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Creating Personalized Pages

  1. Hello, everyone,

    This may be a bit above my knowledge level, but can Gravity be used to create personalized pages based on someone filling out a form?

    For example, I want to develop a petition.

    There'd be a base site that said "Join PUPPIES!INC in stopping the useless hatred of puppies!" with the form people would sign and submit.

    Upon signing, I'd then be given a unique URL that would put my name on the page - "Join Jason Sensation and PUPPIES!INC in stopping the useless hatred of puppies!" - with the same form underneath that the base site had.

    That way I can send my unique url to all my friends and family and personally recruit them in my cause of stopping the useless hatred of puppies. Those poor, poor puppies...

    I wasn't sure if there were hooks that would do this or if I'm going beyond what Gravity can be used for out of the box. Figured I'd ask, though.

    Thanks in advance!


    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday January 2, 2013 | Permalink
  2. David Peralty

    I think I could get close with Gravity Forms right out of the box. I would create a form that creates WordPress posts. I would have those posts be under a certain category (say "causes") and then have a causes theme template that included the PHP form embed. Then any page/post with that form would create a WordPress post with details of the person submitting it, as well as include the form so that others can do the same.

    It wouldn't create a petition wall with all the people that had signed up, but if you made the post Title be the person's name, you could list everyone in Causes at once.

    Hopefully, this helps you get closer to what you are looking for. With some tweaking and some intermediate PHP knowledge, you could replicate what you are looking for with Gravity Forms.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday January 2, 2013 | Permalink


    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday January 2, 2013 | Permalink

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