Can anyone help me figure out how to integrate gravity forms with my CRM?
This is the code i have from the CRM so far, but i can't figure out how to make it work with gravity forms so that the entries will automatically be entered into the CRM. any one know what to do?
// Change the information below to work with your system
define(SUBDOMAIN,'{nomoremortage}'); // enter your subdomain here (ie. nomoremortgage)
define(USERNAME, '{username}'); // change to the user name you want to use - needs to be a user that can add/edit/delete leads in the system
define(PASSWORD, '{password}'); // change to the password you want to use
define(TOKEN, '{token'); // generate a token in that admin area and get it from the email that will be sent to you and place here.
// BEGIN No More Mortgage - Form Post
if ($_POST) {
// Set up variables for the REST service.
$username = USERNAME;
$password = PASSWORD;
$token = TOKEN;
$webservice_url = "https://" . SUBDOMAIN . "";
// Create a connection to the REST webservice.
$client = new IS($webservice_url);
$logged_in = $client->login($username, $password, $token);
if (!$logged_in) {
error_log("{$username} using password '{$password}' and token '{$token}' was not logged in.");
// Map options To the correct Campaign Id
switch ($_POST['input_16']) {
case 'Radio Ad':
$campaign = '5'; // Edit Campaign Id here to change the campaign that Radio Ad goes into.
case 'Television Ad':
$campaign = '7'; // Edit Campaign Id here to change the campaign that Television Ad goes into.
case 'Online':
$campaign = '14'; // Edit Campaign Id here to change the campaign that Online goes into.
case 'Other':
$campaign = '16'; // Edit Campaign Id here to change the campaign that Other goes into.
$campaign = '16'; // Edit Campaign Id here to change the default campaign.
// Get Post fields
$first_name = $_POST['input_1_3']; // API: first_name  - First Name
$last_name = $_POST['input_1_6']; // API: last_name  - Last Name
$email = $_POST['input_56']; // API: email  - Email
$phone = $_POST['input_52']; // API: phone  - Phone
$alt_phone = $_POST['input_53']; // API: customFields_400  - Alternate Phone
$home_value = $_POST['input_3']; // API: customFields_41  - Estimated Home Value
$first_mortgage_balance = $_POST['input_4']; // API: customFields_37  - First Mortagage Balance
$first_mortgage_type = $_POST['input_14']; // API: customFields_39  - First Mortagage Type
$mortgage_years = $_POST['input_15']; // API: customFields_43  - Mortgage Years Remaining
$second_mortgage = $_POST['input_6']; // API: customFields_45  - Second Mortgage Balance
$credit_card_debt = $_POST['input_8']; // API: customFields_49  - Total Credit Card Debt
$available_credit = $_POST['input_16']; // API: customFields_51  - Total Available Credit
$auto_loans = $_POST['input_17']; // API: customFields_408  - Auto Loans
$student_loans = $_POST['input_20']; // API: customFields_410  - Student Loans
$timeshare_loans = $_POST['input_21']; // API: customFields_412  - Timeshare Loans
$recreational_vehicles = $_POST['input_22']; // API: customFields_414  - Recreational Vehicle Loans
$other_mortgages = $_POST['input_23']; // API: customFields_416  - Other Mortgages
$personal_loans = $_POST['input_24']; // API: customFields_418  - Personal Loans
$medical_loans = $_POST['input_25']; // API: customFields_420  - Medical Loans
$tax_debts = $_POST['input_26']; // API: customFields_422  - Tax Debts
$other_debt = $_POST['input_10']; // API: customFields_424  - Other Debt
$cash_flow = $_POST['input_11']; // API: customFields_53  - How would you describe your cash flow?
$make_your_payments = $_POST['input_27']; // API: customFields_426  - Are you able to make all of your payments?
$credit_for_payments = $_POST['input_57']; // API: customFields_526  - Are you using savings or other credit cards to make your payments?
$job_title = $_POST['input_30']; // API: customFields_57  - What is your job title?
$gross_income = $_POST['input_31']; // API: customFields_63  - What is your gross monthly income?
$net_income = $_POST['input_32']; // API: customFields_430  - What is your approximate net monthly income (take-home after taxes, etc)
$often_paid = $_POST['input_33']; // API: customFields_65  - How often are you paid?
$do_you_have_a_spouse = $_POST['input_34']; // API: customFields_721  - Do you have a spouse or significant other you live with?
$spouse_first_name = $_POST['input_35_3']; // API: assistant_first_name - Spouse First Name
$spouse_last_name = $_POST['input_35_6']; // API: assistant_last_name  - Spouse Last Name
$spouse_job_title = $_POST['input_36']; // API: customFields_432  - Spouse Job Title
$spouse_gross_income = $_POST['input_37']; // API: customFields_434  - Spouse Gross Monthly Income
$spouse_net_income = $_POST['input_38']; // API: customFields_436  - Spouse Net Monthly Income
$spouse_often_paid = $_POST['input_39']; // API: customFields_438  - Spouse Pay Frequency
$other_monthly_income = $_POST['input_40']; // API: customFields_440  - Any Other Monthly Income?
$do_you_get_a_tax_refund = $_POST['input_41']; // API: customFields_67  - Do you typically get a Federal Tax refund each year?es
$much_your_tax_refund = $_POST['input_42']; // API: customFields_69  - How much is your typical tax refund amount?
$checking_balance = $_POST['input_43']; // API: customFields_442  - Checking Account Balance
$savings_balance = $_POST['input_44']; // API: customFields_444  - Savings Account Balance
$investment_balance = $_POST['input_45']; // API: customFields_446  - Investment Account Balance
$retirement_balance = $_POST['input_46']; // API: customFields_448  - Retirement Account Balance
$other_asset_value = $_POST['input_47']; // API: customFields_452  - Other Assets ($ Value)
$other_asset_description = $_POST['input_48']; // API: customFields_454  - Other Assets Description
$when_debt_free = $_POST['input_49']; // API: customFields_460  - In what year do you plan to be debt free?
$current_age = $_POST['input_50']; // API: customFields_458  - What is your current age?
$spouse_current_age = $_POST['input_51']; // API: customFields_462  - What is your spouse's current age?
$notes = $_POST['input_54']; // API: customFields_516  - Notes or Comments
$form = 'PQ FORM'; // API: customFields_394  - Lead Sub Type
// Create Filters to find the lead in the CRM that was added on the first form.
//$get_lead_filter = array('field'=>'email', 'operator'=>'=', 'values'=>array($email));
//$get_deleted_filter = array('field'=>'deleted', 'operator'=>'=', 'values'=>array('0'));
$get_lead_by_id = array('field'=>'id', 'operator'=>'=', 'values'=>array($_GET['id']));
// This calls the webservice's getLeads.
// The last two parameters are for paging (which page, how many results per page max)
$leads = $client->get_leads(array($get_lead_by_id)); // , $get_lead_filter, $get_deleted_filter));
if (count($leads) <= 0) {
// Create a new lead
$lead_info['first_name'] = $first_name; // First Name
$lead_info['last_name'] = $last_name; // Last Name
$lead_info['email'] = $email; // Email
$lead_info['phone'] = $phone; // Phone
$lead_info['customFields_400'] = $alt_phone; // Alternate Phone
$lead_info['customFields_41'] = $home_value; // Estimated Home Value
$lead_info['customFields_37'] = $first_mortgage_balance; // First Mortagage Balance
$lead_info['customFields_39'] = $first_mortgage_type; // First Mortagage Type
$lead_info['customFields_43'] = $mortgage_years; // Mortgage Years Remaining
$lead_info['customFields_45'] = $second_mortgage; // Second Mortgage Balance
$lead_info['customFields_49'] = $credit_card_debt; // Total Credit Card Debt
$lead_info['customFields_51'] = $available_credit; // Total Available Credit
$lead_info['customFields_408'] = $auto_loans; // Auto Loans
$lead_info['customFields_410'] = $student_loans; // Student Loans
$lead_info['customFields_412'] = $timeshare_loans; // Timeshare Loans
$lead_info['customFields_414'] = $recreational_vehicles; // Recreational Vehicle Loans
$lead_info['customFields_416'] = $other_mortgages; // Other Mortgages
$lead_info['customFields_418'] = $personal_loans; // Personal Loans
$lead_info['customFields_420'] = $medical_loans; // Medical Loans
$lead_info['customFields_422'] = $tax_debts; // Tax Debts
$lead_info['customFields_424'] = $other_debt; // Other Debt
$lead_info['customFields_53'] = $cash_flow; // How would you describe your cash flow?
$lead_info['customFields_426'] = $make_your_payments; // Are you able to make all of your payments?
$lead_info['customFields_526'] = $credit_for_payments; // Are you using savings or other credit cards to make your payments?
$lead_info['customFields_57'] = $job_title; // What is your job title?
$lead_info['customFields_63'] = $gross_income; // What is your gross monthly income?
$lead_info['customFields_430'] = $net_income; // What is your approximate net monthly income (take-home after taxes, etc)
$lead_info['customFields_65'] = $often_paid; // How often are you paid?
$lead_info['customFields_721'] = $do_you_have_a_spouse; // Do you have a spouse or significant other you live with?
$lead_info['assistant_first_name'] = $spouse_first_name; // Spouse First Name
$lead_info['assistant_last_name'] = $spouse_last_name; // Spouse Last Name
$lead_info['customFields_432'] = $spouse_job_title; // Spouse Job Title
$lead_info['customFields_434'] = $spouse_gross_income; // Spouse Gross Monthly Income
$lead_info['customFields_436'] = $spouse_net_income; // Spouse Net Monthly Income
$lead_info['customFields_438'] = $spouse_often_paid; // Spouse Pay Frequency
$lead_info['customFields_440'] = $other_monthly_income; // Any Other Monthly Income?
$lead_info['customFields_67'] = $do_you_get_a_tax_refund;// Do you typically get a Federal Tax refund each year?es
$lead_info['customFields_69'] = $much_your_tax_refund; // How much is your typical tax refund amount?
$lead_info['customFields_442'] = $checking_balance; // Checking Account Balance
$lead_info['customFields_444'] = $savings_balance; // Savings Account Balance
$lead_info['customFields_446'] = $investment_balance; // Investment Account Balance
$lead_info['customFields_448'] = $retirement_balance; // Retirement Account Balance
$lead_info['customFields_452'] = $other_asset_value; // Other Assets ($ Value)
$lead_info['customFields_454'] = $other_asset_description;// Other Assets Description
$lead_info['customFields_460'] = $when_debt_free; // In what year do you plan to be debt free?
$lead_info['customFields_458'] = $current_age; // What is your current age?
$lead_info['customFields_462'] = $spouse_current_age; // What is your spouse's current age?
$lead_info['customFields_516'] = $notes; // Notes or Comments
$lead_info['customFields_394'] = $form; // Lead Sub Type
// Add the lead
$lead_id = $client->add_lead($lead_info);
} else {
$lead_id = $leads[0]->id;
$updated_info = array();
$updated_info['id'] = $lead_id;
$updated_info['first_name'] = $first_name; // First Name
$updated_info['last_name'] = $last_name; // Last Name
$updated_info['email'] = $email; // Email
$updated_info['phone'] = $phone; // Phone
$updated_info['customFields_400'] = $alt_phone; // Alternate Phone
$updated_info['customFields_41'] = $home_value; // Estimated Home Value
$updated_info['customFields_37'] = $first_mortgage_balance; // First Mortagage Balance
$updated_info['customFields_39'] = $first_mortgage_type; // First Mortagage Type
$updated_info['customFields_43'] = $mortgage_years; // Mortgage Years Remaining
$updated_info['customFields_45'] = $second_mortgage; // Second Mortgage Balance
$updated_info['customFields_49'] = $credit_card_debt; // Total Credit Card Debt
$updated_info['customFields_51'] = $available_credit; // Total Available Credit
$updated_info['customFields_408'] = $auto_loans; // Auto Loans
$updated_info['customFields_410'] = $student_loans; // Student Loans
$updated_info['customFields_412'] = $timeshare_loans; // Timeshare Loans
$updated_info['customFields_414'] = $recreational_vehicles; // Recreational Vehicle Loans
$updated_info['customFields_416'] = $other_mortgages; // Other Mortgages
$updated_info['customFields_418'] = $personal_loans; // Personal Loans
$updated_info['customFields_420'] = $medical_loans; // Medical Loans
$updated_info['customFields_422'] = $tax_debts; // Tax Debts
$updated_info['customFields_424'] = $other_debt; // Other Debt
$updated_info['customFields_53'] = $cash_flow; // How would you describe your cash flow?
$updated_info['customFields_426'] = $make_your_payments; // Are you able to make all of your payments?
$updated_info['customFields_526'] = $credit_for_payments; // Are you using savings or other credit cards to make your payments?
$updated_info['customFields_57'] = $job_title; // What is your job title?
$updated_info['customFields_63'] = $gross_income; // What is your gross monthly income?
$updated_info['customFields_430'] = $net_income; // What is your approximate net monthly income (take-home after taxes, etc)
$updated_info['customFields_65'] = $often_paid; // How often are you paid?
$updated_info['customFields_721'] = $do_you_have_a_spouse; // Do you have a spouse or significant other you live with?
$updated_info['assistant_first_name'] = $spouse_first_name; // Spouse First Name
$updated_info['assistant_last_name'] = $spouse_last_name; // Spouse Last Name
$updated_info['customFields_432'] = $spouse_job_title; // Spouse Job Title
$updated_info['customFields_434'] = $spouse_gross_income; // Spouse Gross Monthly Income
$updated_info['customFields_436'] = $spouse_net_income; // Spouse Net Monthly Income
$updated_info['customFields_438'] = $spouse_often_paid; // Spouse Pay Frequency
$updated_info['customFields_440'] = $other_monthly_income; // Any Other Monthly Income?
$updated_info['customFields_67'] = $do_you_get_a_tax_refund;// Do you typically get a Federal Tax refund each year?es
$updated_info['customFields_69'] = $much_your_tax_refund; // How much is your typical tax refund amount?
$updated_info['customFields_442'] = $checking_balance; // Checking Account Balance
$updated_info['customFields_444'] = $savings_balance; // Savings Account Balance
$updated_info['customFields_446'] = $investment_balance; // Investment Account Balance
$updated_info['customFields_448'] = $retirement_balance; // Retirement Account Balance
$updated_info['customFields_452'] = $other_asset_value; // Other Assets ($ Value)
$updated_info['customFields_454'] = $other_asset_description;// Other Assets Description
$updated_info['customFields_460'] = $when_debt_free; // In what year do you plan to be debt free?
$updated_info['customFields_458'] = $current_age; // What is your current age?
$updated_info['customFields_462'] = $spouse_current_age; // What is your spouse's current age?
$updated_info['customFields_516'] = $notes; // Notes or Comments
$updated_info['customFields_394'] = $form; // Lead Sub Type
$updated_id = $client->update_lead($updated_info);
class IS {
public $url = null;
public $curl = null;
public function __construct($url) {
$this->url = $url;
$this->curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, TRUE);
curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "cookies.txt");
curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookies.txt");
curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
public function login($username, $password, $token) {
return $this->request(array('operation' => 'login', 'parameters' => array($username, $password, $token)));
public function add_lead($lead_info) {
return $this->request(array('operation' => 'addLead', 'parameters' => array($lead_info)));
public function get_leads($filters, $page=0, $limit=100) {
return json_decode($this->request(array('operation' => 'getLeads', 'parameters' => array($filters, $page, $limit))));
public function delete_lead($id) {
return $this->request(array('operation' => 'deleteLead', 'parameters' => array($id)));
public function update_lead($lead_info) {
return $this->request(array('operation' => 'updateLead', 'parameters' => array($lead_info)));
public function request($data) {
curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data));
$content = curl_exec($this->curl);
return $content;
// END No More Mortgage - Form Post