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CSS Class Name for Pricing Field

  1. ehong33234

    I'm using multiple pricing calculation fields to come up with my pricing. However, I don't need all of the product pricing calculations to show up on the front end. If I put CSS Class Name "hidden-total" it doesn't show on the front end but the calculation also doesn't work.

    So... how can I create a CSS Class Name so that the field is transparent?

    The form id is 22 and field id is 31 if that helps.

    Thank you!

    Posted 11 years ago on Saturday February 9, 2013 | Permalink
  2. If you hide the field with CSS, it's the same way we hide fields which should be hidden by conditional logic, and the field won't be used in the calculation. You could reposition the text off screen using something like this:

    body .gform_wrapper .hidden-total {
       position: absolute !important;
       top: -9999px !important;
       left: -9999px !important;

    To make the text 'invisible' you have to make it the same color as the background it's on. If you do that, the space which would have been used to display it is still used, so that's not an optimal solution.

    Posted 11 years ago on Saturday February 9, 2013 | Permalink
  3. ehong33234

    Hey Chris, thanks for the answer. I went ahead and did the invisible method. Not optimal I know but it works for what I need it to do.

    body .gform_wrapper li#field_24_21 {
        color: #fcfcfc;
    .gform_wrapper span.ginput_product_price {
        color: #fcfcfc;
    Posted 11 years ago on Sunday February 10, 2013 | Permalink
  4. Thank you for the update. I think you had another topic open for this as well. Can you update that one too and I will close it as well.

    Posted 11 years ago on Sunday February 10, 2013 | Permalink

This topic has been resolved and has been closed to new replies.