You can do this if you get creative with the inline HTML fields. Basically you use those to add some additional markup to the form, to close and then reopen the containing UL, add some divs for columns, etc.
Here's a screenshot of my test
It's easier to see than try to explain all the steps. I exported the test form so you can grab it, import it and see how it's done. You can download the file at the link below then import it in with your forms.
Once you've imported your form, you'll need to add the following to your theme style sheet to make the layout work.
div.gf_form_column_wrapper {overflow:hidden;}
div.gf_form_column1, div.gf_form_column2 {padding:10px; border:1px solid #ccc; background:#eee;}
div.gf_form_column1 {width:35%; float:left;}
div.gf_form_column2 {margin-left:40%;}
div.gf_form_column1 input, div.gf_form_column1 select, div.gf_form_column1 textarea, div.gf_form_column2 input, div.gf_form_column2 select, div.gf_form_column2 textarea {width:95%!important}
That should get you 90% of the way there, you'll most likely want to tweak styles to suit your preference. Hope that helps out.
Posted 14 years ago on Sunday September 19, 2010 |