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CSS to make bullets 3-column in form that is mailed to admin & user

  1. Morten Knudsen


    I'm trying to make the mail output (the form that is mailed to admin) fit on one-page. If I fill out all available options on this order form and submit it, it mails the form to the admin and it will fill 2 pages on a printer (I'm using a automatic email to printer program to automatically print the submission on a printer).

    The notification is:
    Ordre ID: {entry_id}


    So I would like to make all "bullits", all the choices appear in maybe a 3 column layout, so that (an example):

    * cucumber
    * tomato
    * apple
    * pear
    * banana
    * something else

    appears like this:

    * cucumber * tomato * apple
    * pear * banana * something else

    (I see that gravity forum "skips" my spaces, but you understand that theese should be columns).....

    Also I would need this to be in a (much) bigger font size.

    can someone guide me to the solution for this problem ?

    Posted 14 years ago on Sunday April 18, 2010 | Permalink
  2. The {all_fields} token has been pre-formatted as a default. If you want to do a custom layout, you'll need to build all your html/css manually using the individual field tokens.

    Since email support for HTML/CSS is very hit and miss, I would suggest using a table layout if you want to display information in columns.



    Here's a good HTML email guide that might come in handy.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday April 19, 2010 | Permalink