I'm trying to make the mail output (the form that is mailed to admin) fit on one-page. If I fill out all available options on this order form and submit it, it mails the form to the admin and it will fill 2 pages on a printer (I'm using a automatic email to printer program to automatically print the submission on a printer).
The notification is:
Ordre ID: {entry_id}
So I would like to make all "bullits", all the choices appear in maybe a 3 column layout, so that (an example):
* cucumber
* tomato
* apple
* pear
* banana
* something else
appears like this:
* cucumber * tomato * apple
* pear * banana * something else
(I see that gravity forum "skips" my spaces, but you understand that theese should be columns).....
Also I would need this to be in a (much) bigger font size.
can someone guide me to the solution for this problem ?