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Custom Fields & Checkboxes

  1. I have a few custom fields setup as checkboxes in my WP Admin Post Editor, using this method outlined here:

    I also have corresponding Custom Fields setup in a Gravity Form, where each field only has one checkbox, eg, "Yes".

    Any idea how I might configure that Gravity Forms field to populate in a way that will also mark those checkboxes as checked if they've indicated so in the form?

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday February 28, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Anyone out there?

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday March 5, 2012 | Permalink
  3. I figured out the answer to this, though it's a little disappointing around the forums these days never getting any love from admins.

    Anyway, if anyone else ever runs into this situation, the solution is to "enable values" and then set the value to "yes".

    In my situation, I've only got one checkbox per field in Gravity Forms, so if you had multiples this wouldn't work, but then again it wouldn't work with the way custom fields are setup as in my original post anyway.

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday March 9, 2012 | Permalink