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Custom Merge Tags

  1. I am having problems using a custom merge tag. I want it so when a viewer puts in there company name it carries over to a new form.

    I set it up so the first form has one input and that input collects the company name. That form is setup to forward to a new page and I used the Pass Field Data Via Query String (?) option and put companyname={Company:2} into the field to carry over.

    One the second form I made a new input to display the merge tag. I used {custom_field:companyname} to display the company from the previous form.

    It is not displaying however. My url includes ?companyname=TestingCompany and it is still not displaying.


    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday October 17, 2012 | Permalink
  2. There are a couple things which could be misconfigured here.

    In form one, where you collect Company Name, are you storing that in a custom field with a meta key of "companyname"? Or are you just collecting the Company Name in a text field?

    On form two, what do you want to do with the Company Name? Just display it in the form, or store it with the entry? If you want to store it with the entry, and the parameter name for your Company Name field is "companyname" when this will work as you have set it up. However, you are trying to use a custom_field merge tag, which only works when you are pulling information from a post which has a custom field value stored.

    Please explain how you want to use the Company Name in form two and we can help you with the configuration. Please share the URLs to the two pages if you can.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday October 18, 2012 | Permalink