I'm using this approach to populate three separate taxonomies within the same post. Unfortunately it only works on the last of the three taxonomies offered. I need it to work for all three.
More detailed description:
The custom post type has four custom taxonomies:
Local Office
The Status taxonomy is populated automatically when the form is submitted through a separate script. It is always the same and works so we'll just ignore it.
The three other taxonomies, type, local office and municipality all need to be selected through drop-down fields in the form. All three fields are populated properly using the code supplied by David above. However, when submitted only the last of the taxonomies retains its selection while the other two remain blank. If I move one of the blank taxonomies down so it figures after the one that was on the bottom, this new taxonomy is selected but not the two other ones.
What makes this even weirder is that I'm using a query string to parse the data in a thank you page and this works just fine. It appears that although the data gets passed to the query string, either GravityForms or WordPress is unable to take that data and attach it to the taxonomies properly.
This is a vital component of the site I'm working on and it is imperative that submitters can interact with all three taxonomies. I'm guessing there is some simple solution here somewhere but this is beyond my skillset.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday February 15, 2011 |