Is it possible to disable the Thank You text completely? I don't want to redirect a page after submission, and I've got my own content for the thank you page itself but I don't want to stick it in that yellow div (or override the css there).
I can override the confirmation message / type to "message" and an empty message value, but the div still shows. Any possibility you can slip in a quick check to see if the confirmation message is empty then not to show it?
For example:
public static function handle_confirmation($form, $lead, $ajax=false){
if($form["confirmation"]["type"] == "message"){
$anchor = apply_filters("gform_confirmation_anchor_{$form["id"]}", apply_filters("gform_confirmation_anchor", 0)) ? "<a name='gf_{$form["id"]}' class='gform_anchor' ></a>" : "";
return "{$anchor}<div id='gforms_confirmation_message'>" . GFCommon::replace_variables($form["confirmation"]["message"], $form, $lead) . "</div>";
could be adjusted to be:
public static function handle_confirmation($form, $lead, $ajax=false){
if($form["confirmation"]["type"] == "message"){
$anchor = apply_filters("gform_confirmation_anchor_{$form["id"]}", apply_filters("gform_confirmation_anchor", 0)) ? "<a name='gf_{$form["id"]}' class='gform_anchor' ></a>" : "";
return "{$anchor}<div id='gforms_confirmation_message'>" . GFCommon::replace_variables($form["confirmation"]["message"], $form, $lead) . "</div>";