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Data doesn't push to e-mail

  1. paulviola

    Hey All,

    Here's the page I'm working on:

    Before I added the PayPal plugin, the data from the form would successfully send to my e-mail account. After I added the PayPal plugin, I no longer receive the data when the submit button is hit. What's going on here? Can I use PayPal and STILL have the form data from the gift_card page send to e-mail?


    Jordan Callier

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday December 18, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Take a look at the options section for the PayPal feed for your form. Screenshot

    If you want a notification regardless of what happens with the payment, be sure "Send admin notification only when payment is received." is left unchecked. That will ensure you receive an admin notification when the form is submitted, not when payment is complete.

    If you are not receiving notifications, and you have checked this (because you only want a notification when payment is received) please check the payment status and see if it is stuck at 'processing' or 'pending'. If that is the case, you may have an issue with PayPal sending IPN to your site. If Gravity Forms does not receive and IPN, the status will not be updated and the notification will not be sent.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday December 19, 2012 | Permalink