Gravity Forms does not currently have any built in shortcodes or functions designed to display entry data on the front end of your site. It is designed to capture data and specifically as a Form Builder tool. It doesn't display entry data on the front end of your site, it's only accessible in the Admin.
The only front end data Gravity Forms will create is if you configure your form to create a WordPress Post as part of the form submission. You do this by using the Post Fields.
If you want to display Gravity Forms entry data on the front end of your site then you need to either...
A) Use the 3rd party Gravity Forms Directory Add-On which lets you display entry data on the front end of your site. You can find it here:
B) Write custom code to query and display the entry data which is stored in your WordPress database.
We do plan on adding functions and shortcodes for displaying and even editing entry data on the front end of your site. It's one of the features we will be focusing on in the new year.
Posted 12 years ago on Thursday December 22, 2011 |