I'd like to collect a month and year, but not the date. All the custom configurations include MM-DD-YY but not MM-YY. Can I use the Date field and hide it in CSS, or should I go another route? Thanks!
I'd like to collect a month and year, but not the date. All the custom configurations include MM-DD-YY but not MM-YY. Can I use the Date field and hide it in CSS, or should I go another route? Thanks!
How about two text fields with an input mask to ensure numbers in the proper format, or number fields, with an allowable range?
I'm adding myself to this, wishing we could select MM-YY.
For that matter, where is the American MM-DD-YYYY? Only choice there is with slashes or periods.
I completely agree, I also need MM-YY.
@Chris, you mention
two text fields with an input mask to ensure numbers in the proper formatCan you give us a link to an explanation to get us started?
I'd like to build a new field type with two small text-boxes separated by a '-' like @pnommensen's request.
I ended up following Chris's suggestion as a workaround, having additional date configuration options would be a welcome new feature.
Please feel free to post this in the Feature Requests section so we can gauge interest. :) Glad you found an acceptable solution.