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Datepicker CSS customization

  1. Hi Dear,

    i don't know why but i cannot change any CSS style for the datepicker in the theme style!
    I've already changed the style for the form but i'm unable to do that to the datepicker.
    I can just make some changes in the "forms.css" file but i 'd like to avoid it for the reason that you know (future upgrade).

    Could you tell me any tips for this issue?

    Thanks in advance!


    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday June 8, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Can you give me an example of what specifically you are trying to change as far as styles go and maybe some example CSS you have tried using that didn't work so we can see what you are trying to do?

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday June 8, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Hi Carl,

    unfortunatley i'm developing with MAMP in a Local environment!
    I'm gonna to explain what i'm doing:
    - as you explained in the documentation the best way in order to make changes in "form.css" is to add some CSS lines in the theme "style.css" file.And i followed this direction for the form and everything is gone fine!
    This direction unfotunatley doesn't work with the Jq ui Datepicker section of the "forms.css" file!!

    Just to point out an example....for the css line "ui-datepicker-div" in the forms.css if i try to change the backgorund color whtin the same file it works and i get the color that i put in. But if i make tha same change in the "style.css" (the same file within i made the changes for the form) and i add this new css line, nothing happen.

    I hope to explain you what is my issue.

    Any suggestion?



    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday June 8, 2011 | Permalink
  4. @mr_pa the Datepicker uses standard CSS, so if you are trying to target it and the changes aren't taking effect then the issue is going to be your CSS and how you are targeting the elements. Your CSS would go in your themes Style.css file. Also be sure to try using the !important declaration when declaring CSS if you are having difficulty getting it to work, your changes could be getting overridden by other CSS on your site depending on the order in which CSS is executed.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday June 9, 2011 | Permalink