I have a related question about this topic. I'm a web developer, and I recently purchased a single site license on behalf of a client. I did this for the reason mentioned by Carl (so they could have the support).
The client now wants MailChimp integration. As I understand the licensing, the only way to get the add-on is with a developer license. They really don't need a developer license, as they'll only ever user the forms on one site. So, it seems like I have just 2 options...
1. My client buys a much more expensive license than they need to get the add-on.
2. I keep the license I bought, and upgrade it too a developer license - at that point my client would obviously be using a license they don't own.
Is this correct?
I really like Gravity Forms and I plan to use it in the future, but honestly this seems like an odd model. I would prefer my clients each own their own license, but this makes it impossible for any of them to get the add-ons. My only alternative seems to be to distribute my license - which is a bummer for them if they ever need support / upgrades and I'm no longer in the picture.
Posted 15 years ago on Sunday March 7, 2010 |