I actually just figured out a work around for this...
1. On the page where the final submit is done, I added a hidden field with the username merge field in it.
2. On the final page of my form, I collect credit card information for them to purchase the item. I only display the credit card field if the hidden field is not blank
3. On the same page, I added HTML that includes text saying they must be logged in in order to purchase. This is only visible if the hidden field is blank
4. I also added a text field called loginrequired that is visible only if the hidden field is blank. I created a css class that hides this field so the user can never enter a value in it and I set this field to be required.
Now, if the user is logged in, they can submit the form. If the user is logged in, they will always get an error when they try to submit.
Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday April 16, 2013 |